《 懼 》 " P H O B I A "

"It is an adventure. A subject who is lost in spacetime, is lost in a fog, is lost in oblivion."
First of all, this project is a non-narrative animation. There is a main theme but not a “story”. The background of PHOBIA is about the relation between a fear feeling and spacetime.
As I thought, we all have our fear, but fear of different things. Someone may fear of a specific person, an object, or even fear of fear itself. Perhaps someone has not known why they fear yet. However, the definition of phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. Then what if spacetime? If spacetime causes fear, how could do? Since spacetime is a concept or a phenomenon in which we (human-being) are limited by it and it is essential in everyone's lives. Hence, the film is mainly presenting a subject lost in the fear which is caused by spacetime --- the essentials, one of the rules in the world.
Why spacetime?
Why I pointed out spacetime is the reason for fear? Spacetime --- We could divide this word into two parts (space and time).
For the “space”, which is represented the space or environment we exist, or we existed. We could decide where we want to stay or go in an ordinary situation. However, we just could not decide the space on our own before we are born or after we die. Since you are not in the spacetime rules in this world. Hence, it is unpredictable.
For the “time”, a scientist (Einstein) determined that time is relative in the Special Theory of Relativity, which means the rate at which time passes depends on your frame of reference. But there is no doubt that we could not change the time or back to the foretime. It is irreversible. Moreover, time is life, in personal view. It represented the time made you aware you are getting old and dying, and it is irresistible. This is the main reason to cause fear.